
Written by Ginny Stone
Published by Lets Look Publishers

Jenna Fish is a 24-year-old Cape Town-based actress and deep south local. She studied Drama and theatre studies at Stellenbosch University and is qualified as a high school drama teacher but is pursuing her acting career first! Growing up Jenna spent hours listening to story tapes and has a great passion for voice acting. She currently exercises this passion speaking on local radio station Zone Radio. Jenna has written and performed work across various genres, holding a special flame to theatre: poor theatre, puppetry, physical theatre, you name it. To bring stories to life, inspire an audience, challenge perspectives, or enable the joy of pure escapism is what Jenna hopes to achieve in her acting career.

Did you know…

Ginny wrote the first book in South Africa about global warming – published in 2008 – called Sibo Makes a Difference. She’s now taken recycling to the next level and makes garden art using trash! It’s quite cute, too. She has a stall (Trashy Fae – No. 237) at the Pretoria BoereMark every Saturday.
(Can you guess what this little mushroom house is made from?)

We celebrated International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February) through to International Women’s Day (8 March), by having Sibo in Space as a free read!

For more information about Women and Girls in astronomy, click here.

1st December – World AIDS Day. In honour of this, we put Sibo Thinks Positively up as a free read for two weeks.

Friday 1st December is World AIDS Day. Click on the pic in the sidebar to read Sibo’s book (free) on the topic of HIV AIDS.

Did you know that over 40 million people have lost their lives to HIV? Read more here.

Sibo Goes Bananas is the 16th title in the Sibo Series.

Commissioned by Tiaan De Jager (PhD) from the University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences.

Funded by a team grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, The Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health – awarded to Principal Applicant Sarah Kimmins (PhD), McGill University, Montreal Canada.

Check out the Easter fun we had.

Check out our YouTube Channel – Ginny is busy reading all my books.
February 2, 2022 = World Wetlands Day.
March 22, 2022 = World Water Day.
Have a peep at Sibo Saves Water.

Need help?

According to a survey, PIRLS 2016 (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study – pg 226 in the report) South Africa has the highest incidence of bullying among all 50 countries that participated in the study.

42% of Grade 4 students indicated that they were bullied weekly compared to 15% in the US and England.

We are looking for a sponsor(s) for “Sibo Beats the Bully” – a title on how to deal with bullies. Click here for more info.

This is the 15th title in the Sibo Series.

Sibo and the School of Health Systems and Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria teamed up again – this time on a very cool research project using my latest title, Sibo Stays Healthy.

How cool is this? Sibo has won another award…

Sibo and the Veggie Bed won a 2020 AfriCAN Authors Award for Agricultural Empowerment. The ceremony was held on Friday, 31st July, in a drive-through event.

This is the second title in the Sibo Series and is all about how to make, plant and look after a vegetable bed the size of a door. In honour of this award, we are making this the free read for August. Thanks very much.

You can get it directly from Lets Look Publishers, and is also available as an eBook on Amazon.

Bored? Check out all the fun stuff to do here.

Did you know… Sibo’s books are now also available as
e-Readers on Amazon.

Are you looking forward to going back to school?

Visit Sibo Says on FB page and let us know.

Interview with Ginny

World Malaria Day is on the 25th of April 2021. Read all about how ‘Sibo Fights Malaria’ in the blog.

Sibo’s Blog won a Global Blog Award in 2019 – read more here

February 2, 2020 was World Wetlands Day. Wetlands are covered in the 3rd chapter of Sibo Saves Water in a fun and inspiring way.

Available in print from Lets Look Publishers.

Sibo is an international award-winning girl!

We attended this fabulous Expo and made lots of contacts… stay tuned for more exciting Sibo titles! Remember, if you want to sponsor an existing title or a new one, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


2019 was International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT). If you want to know more about this visit the official page. But just to give you a quick taste – the periodic system was discovered 150 years ago by a dude called Dmitri Mendeleev. Sibo also knows about chemistry – if you want to find out more check this out “Sibo Mixes Things Up” Chemistry is rather cool!

‘Sibo Mixes Things Up’ was originally sponsored by BASF  in 2011 for the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). Mrs Rudi Horak – yes, that’s the correct spelling of her name (not the one in the book), was in charge of Sci-Enza (the science centre at the University of Pretoria) at that stage and she was instrumental in getting funding. This meant the book could be given out to kids freely during that year. Sci-Enza also developed a really awesome puppet show to go with this book that delighted and enlightened many children around South Africa.

25th of April is World Malaria Day. Malaria is no joke people – it is a disease that still kills a child every two minutes. To celebrate this day we usually make the 12th title in our series of books ‘Sibo Fights Malaria’ a free read for the month of April. Just click on the cover in the sidebar. If you would like to purchase a real book to share with your school or library, please email us.

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